Our Partners
Berit KAUFFELDT (Sports Psych & Yoga)
Nulla lectus ante, consequat et ex eget, feugiat tincidunt metus.
Dustin WATTEN (USA Athlete & Instructor)
Mauris egestas at nibh nec finibus.
Reid HALL (Strength Coach)
Integer tempus, elit in laoreet posuere, lectus neque blandit dui, et placerat urna diam mattis orci.
Branko VORKAPIĆ (Physical Therapist)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Partners (you can work with!)
@beritkauffeldt (Team GER) Sports psychologist that was a former national team and champions league athlete. Not many of those exist.. get a free consultation with her @ https://beritkauffeldt.com Youtube Session:
@dustinwatten (Team USA) Nutritional guidance via his insta account plus @noezbuckets courses for athletes trying to earn that next level @ https://dustywatten.com Youtube Session:
@projectpureathlete are jump specialists teaching you the natural and explosive way to get up in the air and get back down too… Jump Higher @ https://tinyurl.com/EVpartnerPP Youtube Session: https://youtu.be/0KXwHF2O7DI
@Profizio & @brankovorkapic is a quality and devoted physical therapist working with Olympic and pro atheltes in women’s basketball and volleyball. He provides online guidance for very good pricing plus you can always head to his offices in Belgrade like our player @Ivanajeremic
@postura are superb local manual therapists in Split, Croatia specializing with fascial manipulation and can ease your body’s tensions over some treatments and provide excellent support to a rehab/prehab regimen from a PT like ProFizio above. They also have a nutritionist on staff!
@macitours offers excellent quality vehicles and prompt transport when we needed it most in Split and to/from the @splitairport
@republicsquarerestaurant was the perfect place for staff and athletes to enjoy good food, drinks and even watch international volleyball on big screens in an incredible grand square